baby steps back into it...

I'd like to think i'm making my way back into the flow of work with little baby steps ... that seems weird considering how busy i've think after the stillness of doing nothing everything seems a whirlwind... truly i've kept it slow and steady... i've missed out on getting so much done... so many things on my list since closing the studio and opening the loft doors ...things that remain on my list... untouched... others have come go finished and crossed off while so many tedious To Do's remain and even get added to...  there ARE days when i feel like jumping and skipping way ahead...doing and doing and doing to try and catch up and get to where i thought i'd be now...

the hard part is embracing the knowing that if i do that i'll miss so much of what i really need to absorb on this path... if i skip hurriedly down the path to get it all down i'll miss the importance of my forced stillness in the first place...

everything will fall into divine order and timing ... this i trust... i'll continue to take baby steps and look for the guidance that leads me to the next best path to crossing off items on my list... 

one of those items is to get blogging... to speak up and be seen... to be heard.


Thank you Spirit ...

I trust... I am watching and I will follow your guidance as I recognize it and pray you will help gently when I don't.